IMB team members came together yesterday on Dharawal country to participate in Reconciliation NSW’s breakfast live stream event, engaging in the ideas and experiences of Reconciliation Australia CEO Karen Mundine, The Hon David M. Harris MP, Reconciliation NSW’s Co-chair Annie Tennant, Rowena Welsh-Jarrett (Welcome to Country), Joshua Staines (Q&A Facilitator) and panellists Mitchell Beggs-Mowzcan, Belinda Huntriss, and Brenden Broadbent.
Some of the IMB team are pictured with our RAP artwork, Connected Through Country, by LaToya Kennedy (acrylic on canvas).
This year’s theme, ‘Now More Than Ever’, represents the importance of Australia continuing its journey towards reconciliation and to learn about and celebrate the cultures and history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
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#DharawalCountry #nowmorethanever #NRW2024