
IMB is certified Carbon Neutral!

IMB is certified Carbon Neutral!

In early 2024, IMB Bank was independently certified as a carbon-neutral…
Thank you from IMB and Salvation Army

Thank you from IMB and Salvation Army

We have been blown away by the generosity of the community for…
IMB at The Ponds Carols Spectacular

Yuletide Fun at The Ponds Carols Spectacular

The atmosphere was abuzz at The Ponds Carols Spectacular last…
IMB Happy Campers!

Happy Campers!

The IMB Team were happy campers at the Batemans Bay Caravan Camping…
Eco Eats and Beats & IMB

Eco Eats and Beats & IMB…

The inaugural Eco Eats and Beats and Street Festival in Warilla…
IMB at the Bega Customer Service and Business Awards

IMB at the Bega Customer Service and Business Awards

Our team had a great night at the Bega Customer Service and Business…
IMB Bank - spreading the news about heart health!

Spreading the news about heart health!

IMB Bank was proud to team up with the Victor Chang Cardiac Research…
Adam Karayiannis | Emerging Leader Award

Congratulations Adam Karayiannis – Emerging Leader

The IMB Team are delighted that Adam Karayiannis from our Finance…
IMB Bank and Wanda SLSC Unveil New Lifesaving Surf Boat and SSV

IMB Bank and Wanda SLSC Unveil New Lifesaving Surf Boat and SSV

Last Sunday, IMB Bank Community Foundation chair Jann Gardner…
What a great weekend of skill and soccer!

What a great weekend of skill and soccer!

Congratulations to all the players, teams, volunteers and spectators…
IMB crew enjoys a day out with St George AFC Dragons

The IMB crew enjoys a day out with St George AFC Dragons

Buzzy and the IMB crew had a great time at the recent St George…
IMB Bank | Hills Football Association Junior Grand Finals

Congratulations Junior Grand Final football players!

Congratulations to all the players who gave their all at the…
IMB Bank | Newcastle Outdoor Adventure and Motoring Expo 2024

IMB at the Newcastle Outdoor Adventure and Motoring Expo

What a weekend! Our team had the best time meeting so many new…
IMB Bank and Careers in Finance

IMB & Careers in Finance – University of Wollongong

Adam and Matthew were proud to represent IMB last week at the…
Buzzy & the IMB Bank Team at the Illawarra District Netball Association Carnival

Hello Illawarra District Netball!

The wind didn't stop the fun and enthusiasm at the Illawarra…

IMB Bank out for a day at the #netball!

What a fantastic day at the recent #CampbelltownDistrictNetballCarnival…

Celebrating NAIDOC week

It’s NAIDOC Week, a time to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres…

Reconciliation NSW’s breakfast live stream event

IMB team members came together yesterday on Dharawal country…
IMB Bank Community Foundation recipient | A Splash of Colour

A Splash of Colour | IMB Community Foundation recipient

A 2023 IMB Bank Community Foundation recipient, A Splash of Colour…
IMB Bank | National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week

#NationalReconciliationWeek is always celebrated on from 27 May…
IMB Bank | International Women's Day 2024

International Women’s Day 2024!

This International Women’s Day, we’d like to celebrate remarkable…