IMB pleased to support Declaration of Climate Action
The Declaration of Climate Action is a great initiative, and one IMB Bank is very pleased to support. Australians are witnessing first-hand the often-devastating impacts of climate change on their homes, their lives, and their livelihoods. The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) Declaration recognises that co-ops and mutuals can work together for collective action on climate change because we are all motivated by improving the livelihoods of our members and the communities in which we operate.
#climateaction #mutualbank #MutualsforChange
Check out the full story on Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM)…
Congratulations to IMB Bank, the 18th signatory to the BCCM Co-operatives and Mutuals Declaration of Climate Action! 🎉
Find out how co-operatives and mutuals are coming together to accelerate action towards tackling climate change. Is your co-op or mutual ready to make a difference? Learn more about becoming a signatory today!